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Board Calendar

Dates may be updated or added as needed throughout the year.

Event Information:

  • Wed

    Notice of Quorum of Board in Attendance at ISBA Convention

    13590 N Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835

    Notice is Hereby Given
    Quorum of Board in Attendance at ISBA Convention

    As there will be a quorum of the Board of Directors in attendnace at the ISBA Convention Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Board will be present and in attendance at such event.

    Date: November 9 - November 11, 2022
    Location: CDA Resort
    Time: 7:00am - 8:00pm (Note, exact times vary by day, but members may be in attendance at any time between the hours listed)

    This notice fulfills the Idaho State Code requirements for public meeting notices. No business will be conducted and no minutes will be taken.

    An overview of the event agenda can be viewed here.