The lottery for the Hayden Canyon Charter 2019-2020 school year was held March 13, 2019. Emails with the lottery information were sent out yesterday to the address included on the student application, you can also access that information by clicking here.
Parents will use the ID number emailed to them to identify their student’s current position. Please note that this is NOT a notice of acceptance, or non-acceptance to the school. Those emails will go out beginning sometime in the next 24 hours. Notices will be in order of grades drawn, beginning with 6th grade. Following is the order of grades from our lottery today:
- 6
- 5
- 3
- 1
- 8
- F
- K
- 7
- 2
- 4
Please also note that because of sibling preference, your student may move up or down on this list. Order of Priority to the school is:
- Founders (not to exceed 10% of student body)
- Siblings (of students enrolled)
- Primary attendance zone
- Outside primary attendance, but inside Idaho
- Out of State
Once we send out the notice, you will have 48 hours to reply “yes” or “no” to accept the seat. After that 48 hours, your seat will be given to the first person on the waiting list. In order to provide Sibling preference, we will need to do this one grade at a time, so please respond quickly when you receive your email so that we can move on to notifying the next grade. Also, please be patient if your student’s grade is one of the latter grades drawn. It may be a few weeks (depending on response times) before you are notified. All waitlisted students will be notified after all classes are filled.
Also note: We cannot hold your seat without proof of residency. If you have not turned in your proof of residency, please do so as soon as possible.