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Join us for our 2019 Dinner and Auction Fundraiser. Tickets can be purchased directly from our site by clicking Fundraiser Tickets at the top of your screen.

The money raised at this fundraiser is essential for us to open our doors. Many of you have seen our posts and emails and we are very excited that you all want to be a part of this school. If you are interested in assisting with or supporting the fundraiser, or know someone else who is, the following are ways parents and community members can help.

  • Table Captains–This is a great option, though not exclusive, for people who own a business. Tables are $1,000 and seat 8 people. You will be responsible to fill that table. We will post your logo on our event page as well place a topper for your table advertising your business at our event.
  • Event Sponsors–Want to sponsor our event. Different levels of sponsorship are available.
  • Seats–Table too much but you still want to come. Plates are $100 per person.
  • Volunteer–None of these fit, but you have time? Volunteer to go ask local businesses for their support as a sponsor, a table captain, or donating items for our auction.

Space is limited so while we will continue to accept table captains and donations as long as we have space available, we encourage you to commit to being a table captain as soon as possible. Commit to being a table captain by either:

  • sending a check for $1,000 with your name, your company name, email and phone number to Hayden Canyon Charter, PO Box 693, Hayden Idaho 83835
  • or register at our  website at

Contact: Jen Vest for all donations or questions at