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Hayden Canyon Charter Board Meeting

All board meetings are open to the public. Please note, anyone who wishes to comment on the budget must sign in at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. The agenda for this meeting can be viewed here.

Attendance Committee Executive Session

This is an Executive Session only for the Attendance commitee. The public will not be invited into the meeting during the executive session, there will be no public comment period for this executive session. The agenda for this meeting is available here.

Administrative Finance Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN QUORUM OF BOARD IN ATTENDANCE AT BOARD TRAINING As there may be a quorum of the Board of Directors in attendance at the Administrative Finance meeting. Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Board may be present and in attendance at such...

Hayden Canyon Charter Board Meeting

All board meetings are open to the public. Please note, anyone who wishes to comment on the budget must sign in at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. The agenda for this meeting is available here.

Curriculum Committee Meeting

Curriculum committee meetings are public meetings open to anyone who would like to attend and time will be allotted for public comment on the curriculum being discussed during that meeting. If you are interested in commenting during the meeting, please be sure you...